Today is a special day: Red Nose Day. Otherwise known as Comic Relief - a charity to raise funds for poor and disadvantaged people in the UK and Africa - it's a day when people use humour to do some good for others. (Which is nice: there's no point cracking jokes when no-one can hear you.) (Unless you're a fan of Jim Davidson, in which case, please do go and lock yourself in a sound-proofed room somewhere, preferably far, far, away from me.)
Anyway, to contribute towards Red Nose Day today, Mike over at Troubled Diva had the brilliant idea of asking hundreds of British bloggers to send him their most humorous stories; the concept being that the best and funniest of these would then be compiled into a book, all the proceeds of which would be donated to the Comic Relief charity. Only seven days later, (and with no lack of effort on his part), this book has been published: Shaggy Blog Stories.
100 different British bloggers - including me - have contributed their funniest blog posts to this book and I urge you to buy it. Not only will you be greatly amused by its content, but with each book purchase you'll also be helping someone in need: most certainly a worthwhile cause.