Monday, May 31, 2004
There may be trouble ahead...
Uh oh, I sense potential problems:
SP had arranged to stay out tonight - I was looking forward to having (his) flat to myself for the night; I've got a really early start and a long week ahead. But now, SP has called me and he's going to be in - looks like he cancelled his plans.
Now I
do like SP and I have enjoyed our sex so far, but I sense he is in 'potential girlfriend' mode - and I
don't want to be that girl. It may be only a minor thing tonight, but as soon as it looks like he is sacrificing his personal life so that he can be with me, I am doing a runner...
So, I am off to his place now and will be til Friday. Wish me luck (and lots of sex) ;-)
Sunday, May 30, 2004
A few thoughts on my mind today:1) That restarting something with M is not such a good idea; he ended up blowing me out tonight - not much has changed there then...
2) That if I change my Blogger template I might lose all my settings - or worse - my old blogs. Being ignorant in these matters isn't helping any...
3) That I am going through another 'female' phase. I can't get the thought of sucking on some beautiful breasts out of my head.
4) That
Graham Coxon is a
God. He plays the guitar like he was fucking for dear life - how I would
love him to use those crazy fingers all over my body, mmm...
5) That waxing my
pudenda is erotic for me. Now that I am (almost) hairless down there, I cannot keep my fingers from straying - I just love the feel of silky skin, gets me so horny...
6) That if I whack myself hard enough with a ruler, its like someone else is spanking me. Almost as good as the real thing...
7) That I miss being in a relationship. Damn.
8) That I wish my blog writing was as acutely funny as
Belle De Jours is. I may be a sex fiend; but she is a brilliant sex writer...
9) That the fucker who has somehow managed to get my blog linked onto MSN's search engine for porn hopefully won't get laid for a very long time. I ain't got anything against one-handed surfers, (hey I am one of them!) but I am a little sick of the narrowness of the particular search links (check my extreme tracking stats for more info). Ah well, there is 'nowt I can do about it...
10) That hopefully putting my picture in the template will be a welcome addition to my blog...
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Too much of a good thing...This week I've been away from home again (I miss my flat!) staying with a guy called SP. His flat is lovely - as is he. On my first night there, he cooked me dinner, kept on refilling my glass with wine and we chatted all night into the early hours. I went to bed late, drunk and soaking wet. The thought of shagging SP made me end up playing with myself for a good hour and I eventually crashed out at 2am. Annoyingly I then had to be up at 5am for work, but it was worth it...
I thought about SP all day, imagining what it might be like if we had sex. When I got back that night, he had cooked dinner for me again and we ate, drank and flirted once more. SP then jumped in the shower and I did likewise a little later. Afterwards we sat on the couch wrapped in towels and our bodies touching. There was such heat between us, I knew it was only a matter of time.
We ended up having the most fantastic sex; SP is a very generous lover - gave me three climaxes before he came - a lovely change from B the selfish asshole. It was very enjoyable but my post-coital headache was dreadful and I only managed to get 3 hours sleep again - which with a 17 hour day to follow was a bit tough. But I had a big grin on my face all day.
I wish I could report that the situation with SP was all good, but I have some issues with it all:
1) SP is effectively my landlord for the next month or so. That we have shagged may kinda complicate things and make it uncomfortable for me to stay there.
2) I barely know SP. It felt kinda weird to jump into bed with him so quickly. Not that I have anything against one-night stands, but this one is different (see 3 below)
3) SP is much too intimate for my liking and it is scaring me slightly. He is all cuddles, caressing and massaging; he looks into my eyes and says "we're
made for each other"; he asks me how my day was, kisses the top of my head and cooks me dinner. Now, this is all well and good, but
we have just met each other - as far as I am concerned, he's a great shag and it's a bonus to get some sex from him whilst I am renting his room. He is an absolutely lovely guy and would probably make a fantastic boyfriend, but he is coming on
way too strong for me...
Not sure what to do about SP, I am staying with him again next week. I may talk to him about it and be honest and hopefully he'll cool off a little. It'd be nice to have sex with him again but only if there are no strings attached...
Sunday, May 23, 2004
I'm back...First things first:
Michael Moore winning the Palme D'Or - fuckin 'ey. Very very happy about that. What a guy. Can't wait to see the movie...
Graham Coxon's new album is incredible - every song on it makes me want to fuck. (And I reckon that's a pretty impressive achievement). It enables me to wake up in the morning and face work with a big smile on my face and a throbbing between my thighs...
The best things come in threes - this paragraph and the shudder from my third fiddle, which I finished experiencing moments ago...
Work:It's just nuts. Really. I get a maximum of 5 hours sleep a night. I am so fucking tired all the time and I'm sure the huge black rings under my eyes don't make me any more appealing. I don't have enough time to blog, eat, wank, run or sleep - the most important things to me at the moment. The only reason I can write this tonight, is because we finally have a day off tomorrow. Anyway, I am still loving it, even without the above; it just means I always have mega catching up to do...
Should I try it?Pros and cons if you please...
I thank you :-)
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Ok, I have been crap for the lack of posting. Work is
crazy busy at the moment and though I have SO much to blog about, I have had no time, or else I am too knackered to update fully - which I think my blog deserves.
I will update properly very soon... Gotta get some sleep, another early (pre-dawn) start tomorrow - oh why does making films mean SUCH early mornings...
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Gawddamnit, not enough hours in the day. My wishlist today:
Sleep for more than 5 hours. No luck there.
Play before work. No time, see above.
Work for less than 15 hours. Nope.
Drink less than 3 coffees. No way: my double expresso Frappucino took my total to 5.
Eat well. Check. (Though the cola bottle sweets on set proved an annoying temptation for me).
Play at work - almost (though achieved this yesterday with a slamming shake and shudder(and mega headache after) during lunchtime.
Go to the gym. Check. Only time for a 30 minute run though. Still, better than 'nowt.
Have a beer after work. Nada.
Get more than 5 hours sleep tonight. Not likely, since I am blogging away now...
Monday, May 10, 2004
I have been busily attempting to find my
G-spot over the last few days - to no avail (even with the 4 fiddles I had yesterday). One would think that since I climax so easily from penetration (and thus, likely G-spot stimulation) that I would be able to find that little button of delight on my own.
Not so. No fingers, vibrators or love eggs have managed to strike that wonderous little spot and produce the heightened pleasure I expect to find. I am beginning to feel robbed. Is it possible that I don't have one?? I certainly haven't found it yet... Any suggestions?
Monday, May 03, 2004
Headaches and sex...
I had a conversation with a woman at work the other day and she mentioned that sometimes she lies to her partner and tells him that she has a headache when she doesn't want to have sex with him. I have never done this and think it's a drastic shame that a) people are not into shagging their partners at any given moment and b) that they have to lie if they are (weirdly) not in the mood. Surely a bit of honesty and a change in their sexual habits would resolve this situation?
If I had a partner I would never
dream of turning him down (actually, it's usually me asking anyway), let alone pretending that I have a headache to 'get out of' sex. In fact, it's the
opposite with me: I
always get a headache
after sex - a real mindblowing, headbanging, searing pain in the eyeballs type that only stops if I lie very very still straight after climaxing.
I am not sure why I get this - maybe it's the intensity of my orgasms and the way I shake so hard when I climax that causes it - but I am beginning to think that I am unique in experiencing this; I would like to find out if anyone else - male or female - gets a
post-coital headache like I do, so hence
Do you get a headache after climaxing from sex?