
Thursday, February 14, 2008


As previously stated, I'm not a huge fan of Hallmark Valentine's Day. Why is why I suggest that everyone go here now and send someone they love a card that will make them laugh.

If you are one of those who succumbs to the VD madness and fancy reading what I have to
say about seducing your lover with food, then go here. It ain't all about results: it's the effort that counts - obviously.

If you've been trying to ignore the stupid red hearts and fluffy teddy bears in all the shops and wondering why people waste their money on such nonsense, then how about being charitable instead? In the spirit of last year's Shaggy Blog Stories, the lovely and succulent Peach is creating another book-from-blog-posts for charity. Visit here to see how to enter your own piece for inclusion in the soon-to-be-published book.

Finally, if you're of the mind that romance should happen every day (and I most certainly am: just on one day a year? Fuck off), then give your partner an orgasm instead. Much better than roses. And won't make the sheets as sticky as eating chocolates in bed. So I hear.