Tuesday, March 11, 2008
You know how you're at the Tumblr party, drunkenly caning the free whisky like there's no tomorrow and then a sexygeekboy sits down and starts chatting to you, and before you know it your legs are touching and then he's whispering in your ear that he has an early morning flight and "do you want to leave now and make a night of it?" and you're grinning and saying "yes", and then you stumble back to yours and fuck each other furiously, and you're wondering how the hell this drop-dead gorgeous man ended up in your bed, and then he writes down his email before leaving for the airport, and you curl up in bed with a huge smile on your face, waking a few hours later to Google his name and discover that he's not just any sexygeekboy but one that also happens to be famous on the internet?
Yeah, that.