
Sunday, March 09, 2008

Austin 2

It's my second full day in Austin and also the second day I have a (mild, thankfully) hangover. Well, there's a lot of free booze at the free parties here and one must join the crowd in town. Speaking of which, I might be a geek, but I simply refuse to queue for an hour for the Google party; or for two hours for the official SXSWi opening party. When you hear that Kevin Rose is having to jump the fence to gain entry, that's when you move onto a smaller venue - and, it must be said, cooler people (hello Moo!).

The folks here are lovely and it's probably the first time I've felt proud to call myself a blogger when being introduced to strangers. Before the media stuff, before my being 'outed' by a newspaper, before the book deal, I was a blogger; I still am, in spirit if not in posting regular updates. Blogging for me was never about a means to an end; a way to "monetize" my writing. It was just simply a way to interact with and express my thoughts to others, using technology that fulfilled the nerd side of me. And amongst the creative people here at SXSWi, my four years of blogging still makes me a newbie. I kinda like that: it keeps my ego in check. It also helps to have a flatmate like Paul who has been teasing me endlessly about my being number 24 on this "50 most powerful bloggers in the world" list. We are currently seeking a cape and costume for me to wear; suggestions welcome.

I've got a busy day today because I am talking on a panel later entitled "Sexual Privacy Online". That should be fun - and of course I have loads to say on the topic - but I am very nervous: I still get stage fright from talking in public, even though I've done it many times now and might need some whisky to steady me...

In the meantime, I shall be playing this game to calm myself. Indiana Jones? Lego? Yes please. I am such a geek.