Friday, September 12, 2008
This is my 600th post on this blog. I feel like I should mark the occasion in some way, but sadly there is nothing of interest to report. Certainly not to Valleywag, anyway. Perhaps my new moniker should be that I am a "resting" sex diarist? Or who is just very busy licking purple, plastic, ice cubes...
I've recently discovered that the documentary about me is being repeated on TV today and tomorrow (Friday 12th and Saturday 13th September). For all those people clicking in from Channel 4, welcome: here's hoping the archives provide some light relief from the depths of Mordor. You might notice I don't post on this blog very often anymore, but if you follow me on Twitter, I update there at least a dozen times a day, with content I never write about here, and you can also catch me on my Qik channel, shooting live video on a semi-regular basis, frizzy hair, clumsy tripping up and all.
I'm currently in San Francisco, freezing my bloody tits off (I didn't bring enough warm clothing for the cold nights), but am returning to New York tomorrow, for a few days, where I plan to have a very good time indeed. Well, I can but hope...