Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Today marks four years since the birth of this blog. On previous anniversaries I have listed my highlights of the year, but I won't be doing that today, because, hey, it's not all about me. Not always anyway...
Instead, I wanted to take this moment to share some thanks. This blog's changed quite a bit since it began and it's humbling for me to know that people still get something back from it. So to the readers who continue to visit, lurk on, and link this blog, cheers. To the commenters, thanks for your input: it's great to see people debating issues around sex. To all the people who email me, thank you: your thoughts are appreciated and I apologise for not having the time to reply to each and every one of you. And to the wonderful friends whom I've met through blogging, thank you for your support and for just being so damn cool. You know who you are.
It's been a challenging year, in many ways, and 2008 seems set to be similar, as I have my fingers in many pies at the moment. I'm going to be very busy because of this, so I won't be writing on this blog very frequently -- but will pop in when I get some time or may update my own personal site (link upcoming) with book/work-related news.
And now it's over to you. How about you drop into the comment box and tell me about your year and what your hopes, ambitions and objectives are for 2008. I'd like to know. Here's hoping that this new year is a happy, healthy and successful one for all of you.