
Sunday, January 13, 2008


As some people may appreciate, I kind of like maintaining what privacy I have left in my day-to-day personal life, so have been a little protective over that in recent months. I decided a while back that Crackbook Facebook was somewhere I would be me, as opposed to Abby Lee, and that the only people I would 'befriend' would be those I consider to be part of my inner social circle, close blog friends, and people whom I know and trust.

This has meant I have declined a heap of 'friend requests' from blog and book fans and/or other bloggers. Being the overly-sensitive, worrying type, I have felt pretty bad about doing this, imagining I must seem like I am up my own arse when I reject these approaches. Hopefully those people who have had their friendship request refused don't think that, but I can understand if they did; my abrupt rejection could easily be seen as rude, were one not to know the circumstances and reasoning behind my doing so.

Anyway, because of this, and also due to the regular inquiring emails I receive asking for book info, I've created an official Facebook 'Page' for Girl with a One Track Mind.
Basically, this is a way for fans of the book to be kept updated with everything book related; the latest book news (eg. the various translated foreign editions being published, book readings, public talks etc.); and a way for me to befriend people whilst still maintaining some privacy with the goings on that I detail in my personal profile (which I can assure you are pretty dull, for the most part).

To see the fan page you will need to sign up to Facebook, if you haven't already, but it is relatively painless doing so, I promise. Once you've added yourself to the page as a 'Fan', you'll be able to see blog updates as well as receive all the latest book info, which I will send out via Facebook email on a semi-regular basis.

Other than that, it's business as usual around these parts: I am very busy, do not have enough time to do what I need to do, and I have a dating story that would be mildly amusing to divulge were it not for the fact that the man concerned is likely to google me, even though he promised not to, and thus I will fuck up the next date by sheer mention of it here.

Oh. Oops.