Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Channel 4 viewers
You’ve arrived at my blog. Hello. You’ll see that it’s nothing fancy and looks pretty thrown together at the last minute. Bit like me, really.
On the right hand of the screen you’ll see four years’ worth of writing in the ‘archives’: feel free to peruse at your pleasure. For quick reference, you’ll find my biog here, contact details here, what the palaver was when I got “outed” here, and the outcome of losing my anonymity here.
You’ll also spot, on the right hand side, a list of other blogs, some sexblogs, many not. I urge you all to read them all: there’s some damn fine writing there.
With regards to the documentary The Sex Blog Girls screened on Channel 4 tonight, I must clarify some points, for the record.
1. Sexblogging did not begin, or end, with my blog. Contrary to what the film suggests, there are many other fantastic sexblogs out there and the ‘genre’ is still going strong.
2. The film incorrectly states that sexblogging in America did not start until after my blog became known. In fact the opposite is true: I began writing my blog at the beginning of 2004, some three years after American sexblogging had begun to take hold, and I was influenced by great American blogs like Erosblog and Tiny Nibbles.
3. It is implied in the documentary that male sexbloggers do not exist; for the premise of the film I understand this, but it is far from reality. In fact, some of my favourite sex writers are men. Bloggers like Easily Aroused, Naked Loft Party, Hot Action, Badman, and Rentboy all write from the male perspective and their writing is not only beautiful, but also an insight into the minds and emotions of men which are rarely seen in mainstream media.
4. The amount of gratuitous female nudity was unnecessary and, in my opinion, detracted from the message of the film. Given that every female sexblogger in the documentary writes about having sex with men, I ask this: where were all the naked men on screen?
5. I'm not sure if the extracts I read out on the documentary highlighted all my views on sex; you'll find my thoughts on the importance of challenging the sexist double standards about male vs female sexuality and my feminist/ female-centred sex-positive perspective in the archives on the right.
Overall, I hope that the film will help to stimulate debate about sex: it’s about time we challenged some of those old-fashioned, out-dated, sexist ideas, isn't it?